

Why Choose Us

We offer tailored employment support through workshops, networking opportunities, and personalized consultations. Join us to access invaluable resources and our supportive community.

What We Offer

Base Tier


One-time 15-min consultation

Access to free articles

Free webinars & workshops

Premium Tier


All benefits of Base (Free) membership.

Exclusive reports on job market trends and employer information and career event updates

Private Facebook/LinkedIn Group

Resources on job application tools

Exclusive webinars and workshops

Q&A session recordings only

Platium Tier


All Premium Tier benefits

Personalized career coaching

Project manager led internship training

Priority work placement upon training completion

Live Q&A sessions

Free access to paid hiring websites

Comprehensive entrepreneur and self-sponsorship workshops

Advanced job application tools

Mock interviews

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01 June 2024

This Is a Placeholder for Article Title with No Limitation on Length

This placeholder serves as the article brief or the opening 1-2 sentences designed to captivate and engage readers right from the start.

01 June 2024

This Is a Placeholder for Article Title with No Limitation on Length

This placeholder serves as the article brief or the opening 1-2 sentences designed to captivate and engage readers right from the start.

01 June 2024


  • We offer a variety of courses for different audiences to guarantee their success every step of the way.

    For students:

    1. Study Abroad Course: we help design an affordable path for you to study in your dream country with the most affordable means.

    2. College Application Course: we teach you the knits and grits of applying for colleges. It will significantly improve your application success rate.

    3. Tutoring Service: we help students overcome college challenges and soar towards success with personalized tutoring from subject-matter experts.

    4. Immigrant legal resources: we understand how stressful it is to obtain legal status in the US, and we are here to help! We offer H-1B resource course to help you navigate through uncertainties.

    For immigrant entrepreneurs:

    1. ESL Course: condensed English course designed for business settings. We help you with every customer encounter and prepare you with the English you need for your success.

    2. Entrepreneurship Course: We provide systematic learning from finding opportunities to properly setting up your entity to running and growing your business. Experts will guide you through the entire process.

    3. Business and Legal Resources: we also help you navigate business and legal hardships. We can always point you towards the right direction.

  • In the past, we have conducted cancer research with UCLA Fielding School of Public Health. Aiming to promote healthier diet. Publication: Nature.

    We have also had joint project with UW-Madison and Wisconsin Center for Manufacturing and Productivity to create a nonpartisan manufacturing database to benefit the entire state.

    More exciting research and projects are waiting for you!

  • Here is where we are different from most educational institutions. We believe classroom learning is the least efficient. The only way you will learn from us is by active hands-on learning. For example, if you want to learn how to open a restaurant, we will guide you from ideating, location seeking, budgeting, company forming, signing contracts, hiring, etc… at the end of the course, you WILL have your own restaurant up and running. You will also have the confidence in running and growing the business.

  • As a nonprofit organization with 501(c)3 tax exemption status, we accept everyone with similar passion to assist underserved population. All volunteers can be sponsored by OPT and supervised for training. STEM OPT job positions are also available. Please check on Join Us page for more info. For H-1B, we provide a sophisticated educational course to guide you with applying for H-1B under DOL, IRS, and USCIS guidelines. Legal help is also provided every step of the way or whenever you seek it. Join our Online Info Session to learn more!

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Schedule a 15-min free consultation with us!