New York's Latest Gang and Safety Map

Hey folks, we’ve all seen New York's gangster life in movies. Back in 1975, gangs were running wild, and the city was almost bankrupt because of it. But where are the gangs now? And how safe is the city today? After living here for years, let me share my notes on NYC's safety scene.

🚨 Before diving into the details, here are some websites to check out the crime scenes:

1️⃣ Citizen App: A mobile app that alerts you about incidents happening around you in real time. I recommend everyone download it. 

2️⃣ NYPD CompStat 2.0: This is a crime map from the NYPD, updated weekly with data on everything from assaults to murders. 

3️⃣ NYC Crime Map: The official NYC website shows safety levels by area. The darker the colour, the more dangerous it is. Click the blue bubbles to see specific crime details. 

4️⃣ Spot Crime: This site shows the types of crimes in your area or any place you're interested in. 

5️⃣ Neighborhood Scout: Similar to Crime Map, it shows safety levels by area but also lists the safest neighbourhoods in NYC, like Steinway, Roosevelt Island, Stuy Town, and Williamsburg. These are great places to live. 

6️⃣ New York City Gang Map (just for fun): It shows gang locations, their names, and some scary stories.

🚨 So, how’s the safety in NYC now? 

1️⃣ According to The Economist’s 2021 Safe Cities Index, NYC ranks 12th, ahead of London, Osaka, Seoul, and Taipei. This shows the city’s safety has greatly improved. 

2️⃣ NYC has beefed up subway security, with police officers on duty at almost every station. 

3️⃣ The NYPD is really cracking down on zero-dollar thefts. Unlike California, which often cites lack of police as an excuse, I’ve seen NYPD officers catching thieves in places like Target, on the streets, and in small shops. With their manpower and equipment, the NYPD ranks high among global police forces. 

4️⃣ Despite significant improvements, some areas still require caution, especially at night.

🚨 NYC, as a major American city, has its “quirks”: 

1️⃣ The streets usually have two main smells: weed and urine. Even after years here, I still can’t get used to it. 

2️⃣ Homeless people: They’re all over the place, in the subways and on the streets. But don’t worry, they won’t bother you. Just walk around them. 

3️⃣ The NYC subway has no barriers, and occasionally, people get pushed onto the tracks. Stand back from the edge while waiting for the train.

I hope these tips help everyone living in NYC. I’ll keep sharing more useful tips and tricks about life in the city. Feel free to discuss and ask questions!

9 July, 2024

by Wanpeng Meng

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