

Why choose us

We offer guidance and personalized support to navigate the complexities of college life and the college transfer process. Our team provides valuable insights into the entire transfer process, offering comprehensive academic support for academic excellence. Join us for a free consultation to benefit from our tailored services.

What we offer

We specialize in providing comperhensive support to international students in their educational pursuits. Here's what we offer:

Personalized College Transfer Assistance

Personalized College Transfer Assistance

Expert guidance throughout the transfer process

Tailored Curriculum Creation

Tailored Curriculum Creation

Customized course plans to maximize transfer credits

Application Help

Application Help

Step-by-step assistance with applications, essays, and recommendations

Academic Adivising & Credit Evaluation

Academic Adivising & Credit Evaluation

Personalized advising and detailed credit analysis

College Research

College Research

Picking the right college just for you

Extracurricular Activities Plan

Extracurricular Activities Plan

Volunteering and Extracurricular Activities Planning

Supportive Community

Supportive Community

Join a supportive student network to share experiences and provide mutual support

Free Consulation

Free Consulation

Initial guidance to discuss your educational needs and how we can assist you


Seeking career advice?

Schedule a 15-min free consultation to start.